Hello and welcome to beautiful Ikhwan Fikri Nur Afra.

Simple Life – Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction Final Project 2017 (COMP6341)

Course Name:

Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction


Brigitta Gloria Hegarini/2001586193

Ikhwan Fikri/2001586224

Project Summary:

We are creating platformer game as a hub world with three room : outside, bathroom, bedroom, and two minigames : catch the apple and arrange the apples. These minigames can access through NPC. Despite the hub world has less interactivity, but the least shows of room design.


<> : For move the main character.

SPACE : For interact with the NPCs and access through the minigame.

Application Used:

Construct 2: Used to make the game.

Photoshop CS6: Used to make the assets including sprites and tiles

GIMP 2.8 and Krita is used for creating the UI elements including buttons.

My Part:

Working on the code.


Simple Life Intro Screen

Simple Life First Look

Catch The Apple First Look

Arrange The Apple Minigame First Look

Posted on 29 November '17 by , under Uncategorized.