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Simple Life – Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction Final Project 2017 (COMP6341)

Course Name:

Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction


Brigitta Gloria Hegarini/2001586193

Ikhwan Fikri/2001586224

Project Summary:

We are creating platformer game as a hub world with three room : outside, bathroom, bedroom, and two minigames : catch the apple and arrange the apples. These minigames can access through NPC. Despite the hub world has less interactivity, but the least shows of room design.


<> : For move the main character.

SPACE : For interact with the NPCs and access through the minigame.

Application Used:

Construct 2: Used to make the game.

Photoshop CS6: Used to make the assets including sprites and tiles

GIMP 2.8 and Krita is used for creating the UI elements including buttons.

My Part:

Working on the code.


Simple Life Intro Screen

Simple Life First Look

Catch The Apple First Look

Arrange The Apple Minigame First Look

Posted on 29 November '17 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

Proposal for Multimedia and Human Computer Interaction (COMP6341) Final Project 2017

A. Background

Uniqueness is beyond everything. Many Developer can make something great. However, only less of them can make something unique. Without any uniqueness, it will also kills any customer’s curiosity since they have played the game with the same genre and the same assets over and over. Without the total creativity of the developer, it will just the same game as the player played and the player will get easily bored.

B. Project Description

Our project is a platformer game with two minigames and a hub world.

The rules:

Used left and right arrow to move the player

Used the space bar to interact with objects in the game including the characters.

C. Project Scope

To get Two Minigames worked properly, and Designed pretty well. Also, to have more interactive and easier to learn.

D. Program Used

Construct 2 for the mechanism part on this game including the minigame.

Photoshop CS6 is used for creating the sprites, tiles, and assets.

GIMP 2.8 is used for creating the User interface on menu.

E. Another Supported Sources for the Assets

  • OpenGameArt.org
  • Pixabay.com
  • Kenney.nl
  • Scirra’s Free Bundle

F. Team Members:

Ikhwan Fikri/2001586224 : Game Coder & Artist

Brigitta Gloria Hegarini/2001586193 : Game Artist

Posted on 23 November '17 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

FastCab Study Case Project

Course : COMP6339 – Database Systems

Member : – Ikhwan Fikri Nur Afra

– Eric Savero

– Brigitta Gloria Hegarini


In this project, We have been prompted to make the database for helping a private company called FastCab, that has a problem in communication and sharing information. We are in 3 member to solve the case including with its recent problem.

Day 1

So, we sketch our first ER models onto paper based on the case study.

We also discuss before we sketch this. However, we were not asked the lecturer for some suggestions.

Day 2

We have tried to create database called projectfastcab with the tables and its columns.

Day 3

With some revision and suggestion from our lecturer, we are finally revised the new ER models

Day 4

After that, we have tried to make the form for it. By using Visual Basic, We have made form that displays that displays the table and make its and delete form each table. Also we made a program that consist query list to solve the problems that the company want to solve.

Day 5

Because of the error of the program, we have fixed the ER Model again

Day 6

Finally the program runs better.

Posted on 15 June '17 by , under Uncategorized. No Comments.

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Posted on 1 May '17 by , under Uncategorized. 1 Comment.